hi, hey there, hello

i absolutely love receiving email and comments from readers. share your stories, thoughts, and dreams with me!

show me where you traveled. tell me everything about the class you took. share a tasty recipe. send over the name of the scrumptious restaurant in your neighborhood. let’s get talking, sharing, and exploring!

hair brained ideas

there are only so many wild ideas i can concoct on my own. i am always on the hunt for exciting new adventures.

what have you been dying to try? where have you wanted to explore? what are you anxious to cross of your life list? consider me your partner in crime!

loyal readers of my-roaring-twenties blog supported me in my quest to complete each task of my dirty thirty list. this time around, i encourage my comrades to realize your dreams and start living life louder.

holler @ me


hire me

let me put your thoughts into words.

as a freelancer writer i specialize in identifying business, cultural, and social trends. while utilizing creative and divergent thinking, i work tirelessly to promote brands in a wide variety of industries.

i possess the unique ability to develop cohesive, personalized brand messaging, seo rich web content, and online dating profiles guaranteed to get you laid. just kidding… (unless you want me to, in which case – call me.)

my passion lies in helping individuals and small businesses express their visions and achieve their goals.



