my sweet hunny,
i took this photo at sunset on the last day of your third year. tomorrow morning you will be four. i have been loving you for four years and i find myself even more in awe of the person you are than ever before. hunter hagop – i admire your fearlessness and your self confidence. you walk in every room like you own the joint and easily make friends wherever you go. you have an adventurous spirit, always ready to lead the way on hikes, splash into the water at the lake first, and dive right into new foods. you have an especially refined palette for a four year old, often requesting crab rangoon, mussels, sushi, and asparagus.
you are handsome beyond measure with a smile that motivates me on the daily, but your frown… well your frown can devastate. hunter you are anxious and particular, just like your mama. you are prone to worrying about things beyond your control. i see the same anxious traits in you i have battled my whole life and for that i am truly sorry. but please, know this – having seemingly bottomless feelings is a curse but it is also a blessing my son. I adore the sensitive and caring person you are. you are generous like your baba; always finding little treasures for your sister, parents, and grandparents. you remind me of your father in so many ways and for that i will be forever thankful. you are creative like your auntie (and your gum); always building lego and doing projects. watching your brain work to come up with exciting designs and even elaborate excuses is pretty awesome. i will work hard to encourage your imaginative spirit.
while i was writing this letter you asked what i was working on. when i replied it was my yearly birthday letter for you to read when you are older you demanded i include, “i love earth. i love jesus. i had a great birthday party. earth is my favorite planet where all the animals are in the kingdom.” i am raising a good boy. a boy who loves earth and jesus and birthday parties. and although every day i am absolutely certain i am completely messing up at this parenting thing, tonight i am going to lay my head down a little easier. hunter my sweet boy, you are amazing.
happy fourth birthday!