a weed or a wish
most of my life has been crafted of fairytale dust and unicorn stuff. my childhood was deliriously happy. my parents are in love. my knees are covered with the right amount of scars. i saw enough of the world to be full of wonder, but not cynicism. i have been financially comfortable, but work hard for the things and experiences i enjoy. christ remains firmly in my corner. my bangs typically behave. my teeth are cavity free and i never wore braces.
then somewhere in my twenties things got rocky.
i dated a few frogs… and frat boys… and finance guys…
i racked up credit card debt.
my grandparents got sick.
people changed.
i said sayonara to whiskey.
standard stuff.
garbage that happens to nearly everyone at one point or another.
change. struggle. failure.
there is no avoiding chaos.
instead it must be embraced.
we can choose between experiencing obstacles or adventures.
we can face failure or embrace warning signs.
we can see weeds or wishes.