but over all, baby steps
while a new year can be the perfect time to make positive changes in our lives, resolutions can feel daunting. i am a firm believer in setting myself up for success. avoiding unnecessary, self imposed drama and pressure works best for me. so, instead of drafting a list of hardcore, concrete resolutions, each year i create a set of small, attainable, over arching goals to help me live a happier and healthier life. enormous life changes can and do rock. and yes, i have made ginormous power moves in my life. but over all, baby steps are where it’s at. 2015 was monumental. this year i learned to identify my ride or die people. those who continually challenge me to be danielle. 2016 will be a year of fostering and strengthening bonds with the people i deeply love. i will dedicate my energy, time, and juju in those who fuel me. i vow to make the time spent with loved ones full of laughter. i am going to ask questions of my in laws to understand more about their heritage. i plan on getting down to the core of who my people are. i will invite friends to try new restaurants and read with me. i am going to help my sister and brother in law care for my nephew (arriving february!) i am going to invest time in my parents and cousins. 2016 im comin’ for ya!