music saves your mortal soul
some days, the only thing i really understand is music. loud, pulsating,
irreverent rock and roll tearing through my internal solar system.
i am, every day, losing more faith in humanity. people are weird. selfish. greedy.
when i begin to question why people behave like total creeps, i find myself on my knees, praying to sweet baby jesus for answers.
other times i look to cobain, corgan, and cuomo.
i would be nothing without my deep seeded faith in a higher power. but some days, days like today, my prayers rise to the heavens along with my voice, as a scream along with the record player in my living room.
today i pray to kurt.
“and some days i pray for silence, and some days i pray for soul, some days i just pray to the god of sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll! – meat loaf