stay gold pony boy.
Stay gold. two words. Eight letters. Representing the underlying philosophy of my entire existence.
Believe in magic. Uncover beauty in the mundane. Watch the sunrise. Pull shapes out of clouds. Write. Exist in a perpetual state of awe. Expand my horizons. Pursue breathtaking moments. Engage. Sharpen my skills. Forgive. Discover new worlds. Pray. Commit whole-heartedly. Dream. Leave space for spontaneity. Dance. Maintain innocence. Recover. Stay open to surprise. Run. Explore foreign soil. Love with reckless abandon. Inspire. Perfect my craft. Admire individuality. Be open to debate. Find silliness in the serious. Donate. Take the plunge. Live inside each moment. Be free. Create meaningful work. Feel present. Remain an authentic madwoman. Chase incredible dreams. Rest. Trust in a higher power. Serve the unfortunate. Marvel at thunderstorms. Stay gold.