thank you.
if you read this blog or followed along with my-roaring-twenties, you may be familiar with my prayer jars. many years ago i started writing prayers onto slips of paper and throwing them into a jar. the idea was sparked by an article i read in a magazine where after a woman died her children found dozens of boxes over flowing with prayers. the writer in me liked the idea of putting my worries, my hopes, my dreams, and my fears onto paper. there was something cathartic about the act of writing down a prayer and then releasing it. i created a personal wailing wall.
before long the jar was full. of prayers for my self, my family, and people i came to know in passing. some of prayers are very specific… “guide us to the right home.” others are more vague… “help me be a rock for me people.” some are small… “give me focus at work.” some are much bigger… “help him pull through. his boys still need their pop.”
as the years rolled on the jars have multiplied. together they house thousands of prayers from myself and my loved ones. tokens of good luck like pennies, evil eyes, crosses, and tiny trinkets are strewn between the slips.
most of the prayers are for patience. an enormous chunk are for clarity. some are more specific. twice i put prayers into the jar for friends who were having trouble starting a family and three months later discovered they conceived that same month.
every now and then i reach in the jar to pull out a slip or two. i am always surprised by what i read.
i took a long walk with my boy and my dog this morning to enjoy this spectacular last day of august. when i got home i put a prayer in one of the jars. as i dropped the paper in i grabbed another on the way out.
it simply read, “thank you 8.13.12”
please take a moment to give thanks for all the blessings in your life today. life is goddamn gorgeous.