to go it a little slower.
i spotted a friend while grocery shopping at my local acme. not a close friend. more like the good friend of some of my really good friends. i knew his parents lived on my street, but i hadn’t seen him in while.
i was about to turn my cart down the aisle he was browsing for a hello and a quick catch up but because i was anxious to get home to start an enormous pile of laundry and because i didn’t need anything in that particular aisle i instead steered my cart towards check out. i set a mental reminder to shoot him a text when i got home to see if he wanted to stop by the house the next time he was visiting his parents. of course i forgot to text.
a few nights later while scrolling through facebook before bed i was shocked to learn he passed away.
i was sad.
startled at the realization that i am settling into the role of a woman consumed with diapers, dishes, and deadlines.
i am a woman who rushes home to start laundry instead of stopping for a chat with a friend.
i am a woman in a perpetual rush.
i wish i could go back in time, turn my shopping cart down his aisle, and say hello. have one final conversation with an incredible, intelligent, and thoughtful guy.
but of course… i can’t.
what i can do is slow the f down.
drink my coffee slower.
make my showers longer.
look at calendars less and photo albums more.
engage in deeper and more meaningful conversations with my friends.
worry less about to do lists.
today is a blessing. a beautiful gift. another opportunity to see, do, or make something magnificent.
today we are all given the chance to do it right. to make it count. to go it a little slower.