i know a pretty little place
i watched the sun fall over the pacific ocean four days in a row. on the first evening i believed my friend journeyed to the beach to show me and my mister our first ever san diego sunset. but as the bright orange sun began it’s descendent, the beach became spotted with locals. commuters on their way home pulled over. bicyclists stopped pedaling. runners paused.
sunset over the ocean is a daily treat for the people who live and love in san diego.
sunsets like much of the natural beauty in southern california are treasured.
appreciation… the word which came in my head and out of my mouth often during my time on the west coast.
the people i met were filled with deep appreciation for the world they live in. i saw no litter and no waste. i ate locally grown, farm to table food. i sat on clean beaches. i hiked trails where people brought out what they brought in.
by the time my whirlwind weekend closed, i sat my tired ass on the red eye and felt warmer. my eyes have been opened wider. i feel a bit happier.
i came home with appreciation in my soul, not only for having spent four days in the sun, but for my own life. i feel lucky to be with a man who is happy to skip town a day early… a man who doesn’t mind when i drool on his arm and put my feet on his face on airplanes… a man who fuels my unquenchable desire to see new places.
i returned home with appreciation for my health.
for my love of live music.
for my often terrifying ability to place myself in wonderfully weird moments.
for my passion for beautiful things.
for college friends who pick up the phone.
southern california is incredible, but jersey is my home. there is so much of this world to see. each time i journey to a new place i am increasingly grateful for the fresh memory reel moments as well as the home base i have waiting for me.
thank you san diego… for relighting my fire and helping me fall head over heels for another corner of this world.